Is Your Website Losing You Sales?
Your customers buy from you because you can solve their problem or you present them with an opportunity. How many sales are you losing because your website has nothing to do with solving your customers' problem?
Without realising it, many companies put obstacles in the way of their customers buying from them.
Here are 3 tips on helping your customers to buy from you through the information you present on your website:
Make your offer, product, or service clear and stick to the benefits
Customers won’t buy unless they clearly understand what you are offering them, so make it easy to understand your offer. Ambiguity and surprises for customers are deadly. Keep your proposition simple and clear.
When customers are reading your website copy and considering buying something, all they want to know is “how does this benefit me? What do I get?”
Great website content has these 3 elements:
It focuses on benefits, not features. Be sure to focus on the benefits of what your customer or client gets out of your product or service.
It uses storytelling elements. Remember: people don’t buy products. They buy better versions of themselves. A story begins with a hook and has a climax and resolution.
It uses specific, clear examples and instructions. A phrase such as ‘If you can buy it cheaper anywhere else in the UK we will refund the difference’ leaves no room for doubt.
If you can’t explain your offer, product or service and how it can benefit your customer, it’s highly likely that your customers will find it confusing and you will lose sales opportunities as a result.
Manage your customers’ expectations
Don’t over-promise and then let customers down. In fact, do the opposite, it works wonders!
Think about under-promising and over-delivering. For example, ‘We will deliver within 3 working days’ and then deliver within 24 hours.
As long as you’ve clearly set expectations, customers don’t mind dealing with problems - providing that you inform them early. Like you, the thing they want least of all is surprises!
Banish any ‘sales prevention techniques’
You should always give potential customers multiple ways to contact you. Some people like to call, some like email, others a contact form or via social media. It’s important your website includes clear calls to action and clear indications on how to purchase from you.
It’s also good to review your sales process through your customers’ eyes. If possible get someone to ‘mystery shop’ your business and give you feedback.
Are there sales prevention issues in your business? Sometimes it can be the people in your business who make it hard for your customers to buy from you.
For example:
A receptionist being rude or unhelpful to customers on the phone
Not returning your customers' telephone calls promptly
Making it difficult for potential customers to do business with you
Not trying to solve the problem - using phrases such as ‘no we can’t do that …’
Ask yourselves what your sales prevention issues might be and what you intend to do about them.
If you want a website that converts visits into sales, just email us at or call us on 01482 880 929. Can you afford not to?
Want more tips? Take a look at Part 2 here!

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